
Hey there, GMchan! 

It’s kzkr from Artists&Clients about the slot you submitted for the job I created. If you’re still willing to then I’d love to commission you for it! 

To reiterate what was in the job, the commission is for a chibi mascot to a link shortening website (https://urus.ai) that is being rewritten and redesigned. There are three different images I’d like to commission, all of them are of the same character just in different poses:

For the first one, there’s a persistent mascot in the bottom right corner on every page roughly where the placeholder is in this image: https://i.imgur.com/ThN9Ayf.png 

Character name/s: Shana, from Shakugan no Shana No. of character/s: 1 Character Sex: Female Character Gender: Female Description: Posing in a classic tsundere pose with her hands on her hips and an embarrassed / angry expression similar to the expression in this: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=41318879

For her outfit, it can just be her classic school uniform, for reference: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=74980751 (the black cape/jacket isn’t necessary) Background: no

Second, on the login page there’s another image to the left of the login form like so: https://i.imgur.com/XGo2uBn.png

Character name/s: Shana, from Shakugan no Shana No. of character/s: 1 Character Sex: Female Character Gender: Female Description: Posing in more of a curious pose with her head tilted and maybe a floating question mark kind of like this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTsoIYOUsAE_ROT.png

Like the previous image, just in her school uniform is fine. Background: no

And lastly, like the login page there’s one on the register page: https://i.imgur.com/jIk3B4C.png

Character name/s: Shana, from Shakugan no Shana No. of character/s: 1 Character Sex: Female Character Gender: Female Description: For this, she could pose with her closer hand pointing towards the form as if she was instructing you on filling it in, something like this example fits pretty much what I’m looking for: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=64983838

Like the other two, just her school uniform is fine. Background: no

I’m certainly not the best at explaining myself so if there’s anything you’re not sure of or want more details on then please feel free to ask and I can try to clarify things.